About Guangzhou Insider
We are Alex and Jiao, and we both moved separately from each other to Guangzhou in 2018. From that year on we started to constantly explore Guangzhou and its surroundings. As our main interest are sports, food and laid-back alleyways, we gathered many interesting hiking routes, city-walk routes and the best restaurants in the city.
But why?
We both work in e-commerce and international trade. With our Brand Stella Baico and our marketing agency pluraleins, we are in the comfortable situation to work from wherever we want.
Meaning we had, and still have time to explore the City. At the end, after exploring something, one wants to share the gathered knowledge. That is how this website started.
Guangzhou Insider is a purely private project, and we do not sell articles to businesses. There is, and will be ads on this site, feel free to click on them, so we can make a bit from many hours of work on this site.