Haizhu Square (海珠广场)

haizhu square
haizhu square

Haizhu Square can be reached by its own metro station, however Haizhu square is in the center of many points of interest, which are all in walkable distance.

Note: You can download either Baidu Maps or Amap and navigate through the buttons below. You can also directly order a taxi through the App. Learn more in this Guide.

Haizhu Square

Haizhu Square is one of the major connecting points in old town Guangzhou, Beijing Road is just nearby, the pearl river is not far and even Shamian, and the sacred heart cathedral are nearby. Not to forget the endless wholesale markets in the area. So if you are in Guangzhou for culture, old town, shopping and wholesale, Haizhu square is the perfect spot to check out for hotels.

haizhu square map


Towards north you will find a straight connection direction Gongyuanqian and its surrounding attractions, however you do not need to walk that far to find something interesting. Just on the north side of the plaza is Highsun Mall and behind that there are many small back alleys plastered with small stores selling shoes for wholesale, retail and general cheap prices. There are also many local Cantonese restaurants along the way up north from Haizhu square.

shoe stores haizhu square
haizhu square


Towards east you will find not one but several malls, the first one for fashion and clothes wholesale, directly on the eastside of Haizhu square. A bit down the road follows a jewelry wholesale mall called Taikang Mall. If you then continue walking, you will wak past TeeMall directly to the start of Beijing Road.

clothes wholesale guangzhou
beijing road from haizhu square


Southwards from Haizhu Square you can walk through a small park, which is at night filled with dancing people. Behind that park there is directly the pearl river promenade and a dock for the pearl river cruise boats. Both, promenade and boat cruise are beautiful places at night.

haizhu square park
guangzhou pearl river cruises


There is a huge modern mall just on the west side of Haizhu square, but we found it not worth visiting, you can walk a few hundred meters further and will end up at OneLink Mall, where you can get toys for wholesale. Or you visit nearby  sacred hearth cathedral, a stunning building!

onelink market
sacred heart cathedral guangzhou

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