Xianfeng Community (先锋社区)

xianfeng community

Located south in Panyu district, this old village near Shiqiao station of line 3 is just one of many nearby. It is 2km from the metro station, so you can either walk and explore other parts on the way, or you take a taxi.

Note: You can download either Baidu Maps or Amap and navigate through the buttons below. You can also directly order a taxi through the App. Learn more in this Guide.

Xianfeng Community

If you have a few more days in Guangzhou, Panyu is a place to explore. Located south of Haizhu district, this old town village can be reached by metro line 3 to “Shiqiao” station. The whole area around the station up until the next Station “Panyu Square” contains several small old villages and, riverside parks and temples with gardens. However they are located each around 1-2 kilometer from each other and shared bikes are not widely spread. So you can visit just a few or spend a whole day walking from each to another.

Xianfeng Community itself is a very well in shape old village with many features local to the area. One of them the abalone shells covering the walls of buildings. You can also find a few historic buildings with official recognition that are decorated with detailed ornaments.

Walking through the old-part of this community on a summer day showcases the need of narrow roads in between each building. The small alleys provide cooling shadow.

Build into the old town of this community in Panyu Guangzhou, are modern elements, glass facades and light-bricks. This includes a large square surrounded with several walls and buildings in modern and classic Chinese architecture. To each side you can find large holes in the walls or large round doors, providing a wide view and relaxing atmosphere. There is a well written article about the Xianfeng or better said Pioneer Community on Archdaily.

Find Xianfeng Community here:


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