Dato Henry’s Taco (亨利拿督的塔可)

Dato Henry’s Taco can be found in the old neighbourhood that starts at exit B of Tiyu Xilu station.

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Dato Henry’s Taco

This small Taco stall is hidden in a local neighbourhood just south from a range of modern shopping malls. Strolling through old, colourful houses below palm trees and other lush greeneries. The smell off coffee and noisy people. If you then stumble upon a Taco stall you might forget that you are in China but rather somewhere in South America.

You need a bit imagination for that, but a Taco or Wrap is still quite a good street food in Guangzhou, compared to many other options that do are fried.

You do can see in their kitchen and do see that this food stall in Guangzhou assembles every item fresh, which is great as many restaurants in China change to convenient and pre prepared food. So get up and get a Taco in Tiyu Xilu!

Atmosphere: 5/10 (No Seating, but cute area)

Taste: 8/10

Creativity: 7/10

Price: 9/10

Find Dato Henry’s Taco here:


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