Gaonnuri (加温努力)

Gaonnuri or 加温努力 is a small bakery chain in Guangzhou with stores in Tianhe, Haizhu and Baiyun. Check the map below to find all stores.

Gaonnuri (加温努力)

Gaonnuri is one of the few bakery chains that I as European bread lover would put in the category “quite decent”. Apart from the usual soft and sweet bread which most Chinese bakeries offer, they do also have quite a fair amount of non-sweet or less sweet alternatives. A few years back when I was working in Tiyu Xilu I used to walk to one nearby the office for my afternoon snack. Their sweet walnut bread pretty good as it was not to sweet, made from wholegrain and had lots of walnuts on it.

As they have several branches around, this bakery in Guangzhou is definitely worth a stop by for a snack when you are walking around visiting Guangzhou. Especially as traveler, because their prices are fair.

They do have pretzels as well, but they are not as crunchy as they should. I talked to one of the store owners and she told me that is is extremely difficult to maintain bread crunchy with 90% humidity in Guangzhou. So fair point on that. 

Find Gao Nuri here:

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