Signlesscafe (無牌咖啡)

signless cafe yuexiu
signless cafe yuexiu

You can find signless cafe in a back alley near exit J of goongyuanqian. Use the Chinese map, as it is quite hidden.

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Signless Cafe

The whole building, is worth visiting as there is not only a Coffee Shop inside but also craft and art workshops. Downstairs on the ground floor you will find a artsy and bit alternative coffee shop in Guangzhou. It is not very large and not suitable for working, but is is very lively and you can easily get in contact with other people and start a conversation.

On the first floor there is a crafts workshop where they produce jewelry and small cute plants made from glassware. Very cute!

On the second floor you will find a small analog foto store, where you can let them develop your film and buy new one.

If you are into art and if you are looking for a place to develop your analog film in Guangzhou, signless cafe is 100% your place. In regards of film development, the owner is doing a great job and I get much better results compared to a standard photography store.

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