Double Egg (2颗鸡蛋)

double egg jian bing

Double Eggs can be found almost everywhere around Guangzhou, most metro stations, pedestrians streets or malls have a branch. They are easy to spot, making it one of the most available street food options in Guangzhou.

Note: You can download either Baidu Maps or Amap and navigate by copying the Chinese name inside. You can also directly order a cab through the App.Learn more in this Guide.

Double Eggs

The name already gives away what it is. Double Eggs offers Tianjin style Jian Bing made with two eggs instead of the usual one egg most street vendors would use. Apart from that, this convenient street food chain in Guangzhou offers many different fillings, from Bacon to Shrimp and many more. However I simply go with the “Classic” Jiang Bing which is also the only vegetarian option.

The Jian Bing itself is a dough roll, like a crepe but filled with Egg and a Salty, sweet sauce plus fillings of your liking and spicy sauce if you wish. As a lot of street food in Guangzhou and China is fried or covered in Chili Oil, this snack is definitely a good choice that always works. Just be aware that you can only order through their WeChat or Alipay mini program. You can just scan the code on the counter for that.

Outside of Guangzhou you will see street vendors selling Jian Bing more often, but if you see one in Guangzhou, you can choose the Street vendor before Double Eggs to support a small business and probably more fresh ingredients as Double Eggs still is a chain store.

Atmosphere: 3/10

Taste: 8/10

Creativity: 5/10

Price: 9/10

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