Longdong Reservoir (龙洞水库)

longrun reservoir

The closest metro Station is Longdong station of line 6, which is still a few km away from the reservoir. We recommend to take a taxi from the station.

Note: You can download either Baidu Maps or Amap and navigate through the buttons below. You can also directly order a taxi through the App. Learn more in this Guide.

Longdong Reservoir (龙洞水库)

Longdong reservoir is a small, yet not less beautiful water reservoir in Guangzhou. The big plus is, that even though it is closer to the city than some others, the hiking routes have not been more crowded than elsewhere.

In terms of nature, the scenery is pretty similar to other mountain trails in Guangzhou. You will find some steep climbs, who are never really long, as the mountains nearby are not high. Some would argue they are more hills than mountains.

One difference to places like Liupian Mountain or Ni Tou Mountain is the clay soil at parts of the trail. When we made our trail there it was dry since weeks, so no problem. But I imagine it can get slippery when it rained recently.

There are several routes, some going near the water most of the time, which is very calming and easy, some go up the hills or mountains, which come with a rewarding view on the area and Guangzhou.

The actual water reservoir has several “food trucks” with lemon ice tea, fruit pudding and other extremely delicious things for after a long hike.

Find Longdong Reservoir here:

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