R&F Haizhu Plaza can be reached via line 2. Jiangnanxi station exit B. There are no places for a taxi to stop, making metro the best option.
Note: You can download either Baidu Maps or Amap and navigate through the buttons below. You can also directly order a taxi through the App. Learn more in this Guide.
R&F Haizhu Plaza
R&F Haizhu Plaza should not be mistaken with Haizhu square, which is not even in Haizhu district. R&F Haizhu Plaza is a double building mall plus small square located right at the jiangnanxi station. As most shopping malls in Guangzhou, haizhu plaza contains many food options and a few stores for clothing and electronics. There is also a market with small stage on the square in front of the mall, including singing performances in the evening.
In between the building is a small strip next to a small river, where you can find several Cafe chains offering seats outside. You can also go downstairs to a large underground mall directly through the main building.
Also, do not trust Google Maps, The Pizza factory closed two years ago ;( However the mall has lots of other good restaurants, in fact half of the mall is filled with restaurants. Find a overview for shopping in Haizhu Plaza.